Getting Around Internet Censorship

Imagine: John Lennon

Imagine: John Lennon (Image via

Censorship with SOPA

Already corporations lobby for more censorship on the internet. SOPA, designed to help with piracy, intentionally complicates the subject to give corporations ultimate power of what stays on the web and what gets eaten by the spider. If congress passes this act it gives corporations the right to shut down and take a website for pretty much any reason they want. Even, a backlink to the website homepage without permission could be reason enough.

Content is king especially great free content

This goes to show that the world will fight off censorship. Every day thousands of new sites are going online to tell the world the best information, all for free. They might have control over the lawmakers but the masses always prevail. Modern communication leads the way to a sharing caring world, so a time for change is at hand.  Imagine, as John Lennon sang it, “sharing all the world…” Imagine!

In other news

The word is out, you must learn more science terms!

It will help daily life as complex technologies wiz by that can make life easier. 

Many jobs available in freelance science writing

For new and experienced science enthusiasts, a new job market is expanding without bounds. By producing great content a multitude of avenues for self syndication becomes available. Speak it, display it, live and breathe it, it is science and it is here to stay.

Science content

It makes life easier too, as logic would follow. The great niche of this working generation becomes providing awesome accurate information on platforms that we dream up.  3D television leads to 3D Internet, what comes next?

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